It goes without saying that the game of golf is a popular sport throughout the world, transcending all cultures and even socio-economic barriers.  Many companies and business entities are capitalizing on golf’s popularity and forward momentum.

For most of us however, our relationship with golf is one who might own some golf clubs, possibly even passed down from the previous generation, that sit in the garage or closet somewhere without the possibility of seeing the light of day or the glory of an actual course.  No, most relate vicariously through the professional golfer who displays their proficiency in the game each and every week with surgical prowess on most every shot and putt, to cause most would-be golfers to enjoy the game from an easy chair or an occasional conversation around the water cooler.

So, to ask someone about their love for the game, would require the asker to know one’s relationship to the game.  Is their livelihood derived from the game?  Do they invest their time, money and affection into the game on a regular basis?  Can they spell golf?  Have they ever taken an instructional lesson from a professional golf teacher to improve their skill in actually playing the game?

Unfortunately, I could have easily written the same information about the average Christian.  Most people are good people, who hold a membership in some church, possibly handed down from the previous generation.  Yeah, they own a Bible somewhere, just not sure where it might be located.  They might chat a bit if asked about their church, just don’t ask them about their faith.  Recently, I spent several hours with two Christians on a golf course without even a hint of conversation about their faith and love in Christ.  Even when prompted, over the years, I have rarely been successful in holding deep conversations with folks about their faith-even ministers.

You know there is a huge difference in saying that you have a relationship with someone and todd murner golf ball - once was lostsaying that you identify with someone.  A relationship only speaks of the fact that you are in proximity to the person on some level, albeit possibly a distant acquaintance, without being impacted and influenced by that person or visa versa.  Conversely, to identify with someone is to hold the same interests, to be affected and effected by one another’s views and experiences to the point of instigating change or being changed yourself.  Most people today have a relationship with Christ, they just don’t really identify with Christ.  Those entities and elements that are supremely important to Him, just aren’t that necessary to most “Christians”.

My wife and I agreed some time ago that we are teetotalers.  If we are in, we are all in.  You will rarely talk to either of us that we are not speaking of the awesomeness of Yahweh and the growth and development of our faith.  We enjoy hours and hours of fellowship with others that flows by like minutes as we lose ourselves in conversation about the Kingdom of Christ.  Yes, we are all in and we desire to expend the energies and resources of our lives to identify with Christ.  For the King!
So dust off your faith in Christ and preach the good news that will impact the lives of others for eternity.  Don’t just have a ‘relationship’ with Christ, identify with the revelation and authority of Christ and change the world.



Given that my brother ‘affectionately’ refers to me as the walking golf channel, it is obvious that I analyze my game constantly, along with my playing partners.  During the winter months I try to add new shots into my game and also work on different swing thoughts to improve my score and better my golf experience.  Recently, however, due to all the winter tweaking, I realized I had digressed quite extensively from my level of play ending last fall.

Screen Shot 2016-03-11 at 5.06.06 PMI’ve often heard that the golf swing starts from the ground up.  In other words, starting with the feet and working upward with the knees, hips, torso, shoulders and arms, the rhythm of the golf swing must follow a particular flow and sequence.  Last year I spent an excessive amount of time working on initiating the downswing with my left hip and that somehow triggered some really good shots.  At the beginning of this year however, it has seemingly all gone awry and my pleasure levels while playing golf have greatly diminished, but not my motivation to keep playing the game.

So, while working on my wedge shots in the yard yesterday, and hitting some horrible shots from skulls to shanks, I realized my issue.  While I was concentrating on all the different parts of the swing, I was not keeping them connected.  The components were there, but they were moving independently of one another, not in the sequential flow and connectivity that is required for the intended outcome.  After employing a tip I saw years ago by placing a golf towel or tee under the left arm pit, I was easily able to connect the torso, shoulders and arms together, which produced solid contact and shots on the correct trajectory and expected distance.  Glory!!

As a minister of the gospel of Christ, I spend an inordinate amount of time counseling others in all manner of life situations.  Many times, after digging into the problem, the necessary components are there, but the flow and connectivity of those components are missing.

In the Kingdom of Christ, the sequence and flow of spirit, soul and body must never be compromised.  Whenever your life deviates from its expected trajectory and intended destination, survey each of these three elements of your life and evaluate how you are processing each of them.  If you are prioritizing your soulish needs or worldly desires over the mandate to glorify Christ, well, need I say more?  The following verse is key:

“Now may the God of peace (wholeness and fullness) Himself (only Yahweh can accomplish this through the finished work of Yahshua and the ongoing work of the Spirit) sanctify (progressive action of grace to purify and separate you from the old man to the new man – who you were from the beginning) you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Thessalonians 5:23

So in golf, when there are problems with your golf swing, work sequentially from the ground up and keep everything connected.  In life, when things go awry, operate from the spirit down through the soul (mind, will and emotions) and body-keeping them connected by the ministry of the Holy Spirit.


I don’t know one golfer who doesn’t have at least one facet of their game that gives them fits.  Even the professional players rarely sync every part of their golf game at once to give them the ultimate golf experience and success.

For me, if I identified the facet of my game that gives me the most trouble, without a doubt, it would be putting the ball on the green.  Putting for you non-golfers is the special stroke and club you use when your golf ball is positioned on the green but not yet in the hole.  Assuredly, there are a lot of factors that contribute to putting woes.  Of course every putt is influenced by the speed of the ball once struck and the slope and angle of the green.  The harder the putt is struck the less the slope and angle will effect its path.  Other influences have to do with the putting stroke itself and how the putter effects the roll of the ball on the green.  Many of these factors are unseen to the natural eye, but are revealed every time the ball doesn’t fall into the cup.

Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 3.52.10 PMTo overcome this deficiency, I have changed equipment several times, changed my grip on the putter several times, changed the ball position in my stance and a host of other various adjustments that have yet to yield the desired results.  I have also watched many instructional videos from top-notch instructors and believed I had “figured out” my putting problems only to realize, yet again, I have not.  What to do?

As it relates to my putting problem, I have to admit that there is some twisted delight that I receive in trying out new techniques and ideas, hoping for some major breakthrough in this area of my ‘game’.

As a Christian counselor, most counseling appointments are focused on one of these areas of life that just isn’t up to par.  People really do want to do better in life, especially in the area of relationships and how they relate to the world around them.  I don’t have the numbers in front of me but it’s obvious that the volume of self-help books and programs out there for every conceivable expression of life reveals a desire to do better.  Unfortunately, no matter how much you invest in external helps, the reality, much like my putting, is that most of these problems don’t change much.

One simple reason for a lack of true change is that most people never get to the origin of their problems…themselves.  Just like in putting, the ball is stationary and I alone hold the putter in my hands that directly affects its outcome.  My first step of progress is admitting that I am insufficient within myself to change myself.

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God…”   2 Corinthians 3:5

The Walking Golf Channel

todd murner golf sunset


The number of golf books, videos, blogs and personal lessons attributed to golf instruction is mind boggling.  The idea generally exists that if a golfer can get some better equipment or better instruction, their game will vastly improve.  No doubt that both of those endeavors may offer some help in advancing most golfer’s expectations into the same galaxy where the reality of their current game exists.  It’s just the nature of a golfer to want to figure it out.

One very distinct element of advancement is explained in a common response from playing partners, “You are suffering from the paralysis of analysis.”  Actually my twin brother likes to refer to me as the walking golf channel.  I seem to have a comment for every wayward shot of my own and for every playing partner.  The truth is that the golf swing of most amateurs is around 1.5-2 seconds long.  Trying to cram fifteen swing thoughts into that length of time is…well impossible.  That’s where the paralysis takes place, too much thought and inflection will rob your swing of the flow and fluidity required for an optimum golf shot.

But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”  2 Corinthians 11:3

The apostle Paul’s concern for the Corinthian ecclesia (church) was that in the same way that the serpent was spying on and taking copious notes to attack and defeat Eve in the garden was being executed against the simple life in Christ they should be enjoying.  For some reason, the Corinthians had over-analyzed their life in Christ to incorporate elements of the old life in the flesh and their new life in the Spirit.  The main problem was their minds were so confused that they were being robbed of the satisfying and purposeful life in Christ that is characterized by peace and joy.

Just like golf – a life in Christ should be enjoyable.  Who wants to pay a lot of money for equipment and golf course fees, along with expending a large amount of time to just hack the ball around, spitting fire and releasing expletives in the atmosphere all in the name of enjoyment?  It helps one to understand why there are so many cranky Christians and disgruntled golfers who give up the ‘game’.  Neither golf nor the Christ life is an exact science.  You are not going to analyze and figure out either of these endeavors.  Your best approach to enjoyment is to realize that your golf game and Christ life are going to be unique to you and stop trying to optimize it by comparing it to others.  Limit your focus to a couple of key elements that are irreplaceable to you and allow the other parts to flow right along with them.

Stop renting space in your head to all the enemy’s distractions.  Get simple and enjoy the ‘game’!


Golf and Grace

As with most endeavors, golf is governed by rules to make it fair for everyone and principles to ensure a pleasurable experience for everyone that plays the game.  Although there can be many unique personalities and styles in the game of golf, the rules and principles by which the game is played remain constant and sure.

It seems in the body of Christ today, that many people have not enjoyed their ‘Christianity’ experience and have sought to analyze it to find out just what went awry.  The general consensus is that there are too many rules and regulations and therefore it might be good to just throw out all absolute truth and any form of government associated with one’s personal faith in Christ.  Many are preaching a gospel of grace that says that since our righteousness can only be a gift from Yahshua the Christ, we don’t really need to abide by any rules or principles that govern a redeemed life.  Since you can’t lose what you didn’t earn, you are free to live your life just any way you deem pleasurable.


I realize this analogy is way too simple to explain the complexities of the issue, but I challenge anyone to just go out and play a game of golf with total disregard for the rules that govern your experience and the principles by which hitting the ball becomes practically impossible to succeed.  I have played golf with those who can’t count their score correctly or become angry because their expectation of a good shot is met with the reality of their lack of practice and training.  You may not be able to incorporate everyone’s well-meaning advice after a bad shot, but that negative feeling will never be trumped by just trying to hit the ball any old way you like.  No, golf shows no pity toward the ill-prepared, emotionally distraught or publicly embarrassed.  The only options are to give up the game or submit yourself to the lordship of a golf professional.

Many have walked away from their life in Christ due to an overemphasis of the ‘law’ (rules) and the guilt and shame associated with personal mistakes.  If only those who struggle in their faith would allow the Spirit of Christ to baptize them into Christ’s fullness.  No, it wouldn’t guarantee a perfect shot or a perfect score every time, just a relationship that would make sense of the game of life that most seem to not understand.

The Art of Professional Golfing

There is a huge disparity between professional golfers and amateur golfers.  Of course those who play the game for a living, by necessity, practice more often and have better equipment than the average weekend hacker.  Professionals employ swing coaches, sports psychologists, fitness and nutritional experts and the list could go on depending on the seriousness of the professional and how deep his/her pockets run.

I’ve been to a few professional tournaments and noticed immediately that there is a huge difference in how the professionals hit the ball versus those of us who play for funzies.  The sound of the club making contact with the ball, the flight of the ball and most of all the distance by which the ball travels are uniquely different.  So different in fact that it is almost seems as if we are playing a different game altogether.


Being a teacher by nature, when I play with other golfers who are struggling with their game, I invariably try to offer some piece of advice that would free them up from what is known as the paralysis of analysis.  Golf can be hugely enjoyable if you’re playing anywhere close to your expectations.  Who doesn’t want to be outdoors, basking in the sun on a perfectly groomed landscape of grass, flowers, trees, ponds and white sand?  However, if you’re not playing up to your fantasy of hopeful expectation, not considering you haven’t practiced or even played in quite some time, golf can be very frustrating and aggravating.

The first bit of advice that I usually offer the troubled golfer is conceptual and not instructional.  You see, the professional is not focused on ‘hitting the ball’.  In golf, the ball either sits on a tee or rests on the ground.  The ball is not moving when you strike it and therefore shouldn’t be the focus of one’s attention.  No, the accomplished golfer knows that a great shot is the product of a good swing.  While most duffers are trying to ‘hit the ball’, the professional golfer has learned to swing the club with the ball just getting in the way of a great swing.

Unfortunately, I meet a lot of Christians with the same problem.  They are trying to live the Christ life, their focus is on themselves and not Christ and therefore, they are constantly searching for their errant ball in the woods of life.  Remember, Christ in you is the hope of glory!!!   Yahweh did not give you the greatest gift possible for you to ignore the gift and try to do it on your own.  I marvel at Christians who give up in absolute frustration and remark that the Christ life doesn’t work.  No, you are simply approaching the Kingdom differently than it was designed.

Yahweh has imparted to you, through Christ, His divine nature and divinely empowered you by His Spirit to win!  You don’t need new equipment, more instructional videos or different playing partners.  You just need to find out who you are in Christ-the unique you that is one of a kind and just let life get in the way of your new swing!

How Golf Parallels Life in the Way of Christ

To say that golf is a Kingdom game would certainly be a stretch.  However, there are many aspects of the game: objectives of the game, etiquette, rules, principles of the golf swing for instance that include valuable parallels to this life in Christ that we live here on earth.

Golf ball near hole

Think about it.  Golf is a game made up of eighteen different challenges, or holes.  Each ‘hole’begins with a starting point, the tee box, and has as its objective a destination, a 4.25” in diameter hole in the middle of an area known as a green-marked with a flagstick.   Some ‘holes’are longer than others and each and every hole has obstacles along the way to challenge the golfers ability to achieve the designated expectation.  Interestingly there is usually a clear path from every starting point to the destination, known as the fairway (Yahshua is the way, the truth and the life.  There is no other way to the Father except through Him…John 14:6).   If you happen to miss the fairway (the clear path to your objective), you encounter all kinds of obstacles including trees, ponds, lakes, rivers, marshes, swamps, sand bunkers, rocky areas, high grass and other nefarious areas too sinister to even mention.

So the simple object of the game of golf is to hit a spherical-shaped ball with a stick from a starting point to a designated area that includes a hole in the ground.  Get the ball in the hole in the fewest strokes possible and there you have it-the ‘game’of golf.

Now life may not be explained so concisely, but I’m pretty sure the parallels are quite evident.  Life has a beginning point with a destination or vision in mind.  However, along the way there are obstacles that challenge one’s ability to see the vision fulfilled.  Quality of life is determined by how one responds to unrealized expectations, disappointment and a willingness to overcome adversity and stay the course toward the completion of the vision.   The Scriptures refer to this as the ‘saving of the soul’-aligning your mind (thinker), will (chooser) and emotions (feeler) with the Word and Will of Yahweh.  Faith is when you come into complete agreement with what Yahweh says and then act upon that which you hear and believe in your heart and have declared with your voice – prophesy.

Receiving Christ not only removes our sin and reconciles us to Yahweh, our heavenly Father, but also identifies our uniqueness in the body of Christ and empowers us to fulfill the dreams and visions that Yahweh purposed for us-despite the obstacles and challenges along the way.  We are complete in Christ and have received His fullness!  Therefore, our ‘success’is determined by our relationship with Him-the Creator of the game of life.

So, no matter where the ball may end up on the golf course of life, we continue to keep our eye on the flagstick, and our faith in the One who saved and sent us! FORE!!!

Golf course